Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are anxiously awaiting the next installment of Recruit King's telling tale of Boot Camp.. Siempre FI.. Stay Strong Missa.


This is actually Missa's first letter! Note the Grand Sarcasm!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


To All Friends and Family:

The more letters Missa receives at boot camp, the more pushups the DI's will order her to do..(drop and give me ten JollyGreenGiant) So let's get Missa strong.. please see the below scanned letter... follow the the direction Recruit... BoooYAH

Dear John King
I have arrived safely at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island and have been assigned to Platoon 4034, Papa Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion, which' is comprised of 61 recruits from various parts of the United States'. We will live and train together for the next three months until our temtative graduation date of November 5, 2010. Our Senior Drill Instructor's name is Staff Sergeant Alexander .. She is responsible for our training. There are 2 other Drill Instructors assigned to my platoon who will be assisting with our training. There will be at least one Drill Instructor with the plptoon at all times everyday-we are here. If there is an emergency while I am gone, the quickest way to contact me is through the American Red Cross, or (202)303-4498. I will only be allowed to take emergency leave for certain emergencies; for example, an immediate family member has died or is expected to die soon. You should still contact the American Red Cross
if you want to inform me of a situation; however, keep in mind this does not mean that I will be able to leave recruit training. Do not try to call me directly as' this vti-l-s-liow down the process of me being placed on leave. Please, save this letter, the American Red Cross may need some of the information listed within this letter. I receive mail everyday except Sundays and holidays. Please, send
mail First Class (regular) or Priority Mail. Do not send any Express, Insured, or Certified Mail; due to scheduled training, I won't be allowed to go to the Post Office to sign for such mail. If you must send it Express Mail, please waive the requirement for my signature upon receip_L. _I-R--a-adition;--amI NOT allowed to receive the following items:
1. Candy or other edible items
2. Tobacco products
3. Alcohol/illegal or prescription/over the counter drugs
4. Pornographic mat~rial
5. Persona.l weapons or ammunition
6. Gambling devices (playing 'cards, dice, etc.)
7. Radios or cameras
8. Flammable materials (lighters, matches, fireworks, etc.)
9. Field/outdoor training materials
Only Letters and Small Packages are authorized due to the limited space in our living area. To ensure that I receive my mail quickly, be sure to write my address exactly as it is below:

RCT Last Name, First Name
Papa Co. 4th RTBN Plt 4034
Box 16445
Parris Island, SC 29905-6445
Dear Sir or Ma'am,
Melissa King

My name is Staff Sergeant Samantha Alexander. I am your recruit's
Senior Drill Instructor. I want to express to you my desire to be of
assistance should you or any of your family members require it.
If you should have any questions about your recruit's training or
her welfare, please feel free to email me at Samantha. alexander@USMC -.MIL and I will be more than happy to answer any questions that you or your fam~ly members may have. Please, keep in mind that I will respond to you as soon as training allows.

Thank You.
Samantha M. Alexander

To the everlasting glory of the Infantry... Siempre Pre. WhoHaa!